The Lojeña sheep breed is one of the few autochthonous breeds of the Iberian Peninsula and is in danger of extinction. They are medium-sized sheep, with wide and deep torso, and somewhat shortened and very fine limbs. Generally, only males have horns, these being highly developed and open spiral shaped. When females have horns, they are usually atrophic or underdeveloped. One of the most outstanding characteristics of the breed is its chromatic richness, with multiple layers.
Ours is the only livestock in Extremadura that has been certified with a purity pedigree. With this, we contribute to the conservation of the increasingly scarce cattle herd in our country.
We also have Fleischschaf sheep with a purity pedigree, whose offspring we use for the sale of rams and sheep for breeding purposes. This breed is also known as German Merino. According to the records, their presence in Spain dates back to the first third of the last century.
The torso of this breed retains the characteristics of the merino breed, providing a noticeable advantage in terms of size, build and growth speed. It is highly valued for its greatly developed carcass, with a high percentage of muscle and low fat content. Neither males nor females have horns.
Our sheep and lambs graze freely in our fields and drink water from Fuente del Sapillo spring all year round. The wild flora growing in our fields, such as rosemary, thyme, fennel, pennyroyal, acorns, figs … are also part of their diet.
The main source of food of our livestock is grown in our farm fields, thus avoiding the purchase of external products. When there is not enough production, they are given a controlled dosage of a ground mixture of cereals, beans, protein crops … providing them with an organic diet of guaranteed quality. In addition, we produce silage, bales of hay and straw to supplement the diet.
We do not treat our crops with phytosanitary products, such as pesticides, nor with chemical fertilizers. The sheep are the ones in charge of fertilizing the land and getting rid of the “weeds”.
We carry out a real traditional rearing, as it was done in the past. Our sheep roam freely across our extensive fields, which is reflected in their well-being. The births are always outdoors, in the open field. The young graze with their mothers from minute zero and are never separated from the flock, always protected by the watchful eye of our mastiffs.